Lying is another sin which is classified among the Greater sins. The famous scholar, Shaykh Ansari (r.a.) writes in his book, Makasib-e-Muharrama:
"Common sense suggests lying is haraam, all the revealed religions also say so; particularly Islam. The Quran is explicit in this regard. The corpus of hadith (opinion of the majority of the jurists) verifies this tenet and reason also sustains this assertion."
Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said,
"Should I tell you the greatest among the deadly sins," I said, "Why not? Ya Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam." He said, " Associating partners with Allah Ta'ala, disobedience of Parents, (when he was saying this he was lying in a relaxed position, suddenly he sat straight up), and said, "Beware of lying"... he kept on repeating this for such a long time that we started hoping that he would end this topic and talk to us about another topic." (Bukhari Shareef, Vol 1)
The above hadith of Nabi-e-Kareem(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is of such importance to us, his Ummah, because it demonstrates to us that how evil it is to speak lies, that Nabi-e-Kareem(S.A.W) associated the telling of lies with a hypocrite.
Unfortunately, our problem is that we think that by fulfilling the five fundamental principles of Islam we have become perfect Muslims. Islam has many diferent aspects to it and, by only fulfilling the one aspect of Ibadat, does not make us true Muslims. Turning a blind eye to such aspects of Deen, like restraining our tongues when it comes to our utterances, will only be to our detriment.