Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Islam for Children

Most Muslims live in the developing world. Many Children learn about Islam from birth. As soon as a baby is born the first words it will hear are the Shahadah (the declaration of faith). Muslim baby boys are circumcised whilst young. This is very often done at the same time as the head shaving ceremony. On the seventh day of a baby's life his or her hair will be shaved off and the equivalent weight of gold given to the poor. An offering follows. Two sheep if it is a boy and one if it is a girl. The meat is cooked and shared 
between the whole family and visitors.


Muslim children learn the faith from watching their parents. The rituals of washing and praying will be practised as soon as the child is old enough to take part. The fasting in Ramadam will be practised just for a day at the start and building up until by the time the child is about thirteen he or she can carry out their religious duties as well as an adult.

If the child goes to a muslim school then they will learn part of the Qur'an as part of their schooling, if not they will learn it in special classes at the mosque. They are expected to work hard in school, can be treated quite strictly, (especially the girls), and expected to spend time with their families.
of them live in villages, many tending the land. In these villages the mosque is the most important building.